Sunday, May 24, 2020
Personal Statement On Learning Deeply - 964 Words
In order to approach learning deeply, I feel I must be intrigued with what I’m doing. I give a purpose to my assignments, work, and life. It’s not all about getting a passing grade, but more about being so engaged that I grasp the material and take it to the next level. To be honest, I used to be a surface learner; therefore, I just got by without putting any effort into my assignments. In high school when I was assigned homework, I would just wait until the last-minute or even do it in class the second it was due. I lived each day without a care about stretching my abilities or about actually learning and understanding the content. Not only did I have a poor attitude about school, but I also lived my life without responsibility. As soon as I became confident in myself and my strength to flourish, I began questioning my work and assignments. I started to want to know additional information about the material I was assigned. I took the deep learning approach when I reali zed the surface learning approach was lacking. Once I changed the way I perceived information, I changed the way I lived my life. Every day there’s an option to see the world on a surface level or to see the world from a new perspective. It’s a choice to take learning to a whole new dimension. High school was a rigorous time for me as I’m sure it is for many teens. I made it harder for myself by not doing the best I could. For example, when a huge exam was coming up, I wouldn’t read all of the material.Show MoreRelatedPersonal Learning Plan 1249 Words  | 5 PagesPersonal Learning Plan The author has designed the personal learning plan around the diagnosis of his learning needs, statement of specific learning objectives, learning resources and strategies, evidence of accomplishment, how the evidence will be validated, and how the learning will be evaluated. 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